Deadman sketch
I've made Boston Brand's head a little smaller on the right hand side duplicate sketch. Looks better to me. I think I may have made 'White Tack Man's' model head too large in the first place. Where's my scalpel and sandpaper? "NO, MASTER, DON'T DO IT, I BEG YOU, PLEASE, NO, NOOOAAAARGH!!!"
These are really cool...Keep em coming.I'm going to have to keep checking back regularly now.
Thanx for posting as always Cliff.
I love seeing your process Cliff...
Really enjoyed your work on the most recent Dredd too - any chance of seeing behind the scenes there?
Sketches for the characters and such like?
Gawan, gawan, gawan!
We need to see a post all about 'White Tack Man' - love how you use him for some of your reference. I'm intrigued as to how you made and pose him. Great stuff, as ever!
Not related to the Deadman sketch, but just wanted to say you have always been one of my favourite 2000AD artists. You really outdid yourself on the recent 'Dragon's Den' Dredd tale. Truely sublime artwork. Just a pity you didn't do part 3.
Not related to your 'Deadman sketch' post, but just wanted to say you have always been one of my favourite 2000AD artists.
I really thought you outdid yourself on the recent 'Dragon's Den' Dredd tale. Truely sublime artwork. Sad that you didn't draw the third part.
Great cover to this week's prog Cliff...
Do you have the sketch work development for it?
Would love to see the process, and I'm sure it would go down nicely on Pete Wells' covers blog too!
Hey Cliff,The new prog cover is really sweet.Any chance of seeing it in pure form without any logos,type or mastheads etc.
any sketches would be really cool too.shame you couldn't complete the last few episodes - the detail and design work was just amazing on the first two!
keep it coming!
Pencils and colour version have been posted on the 2000AD uncovered blog - head over there now for some Cliffy R goodness!
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