Friday, 12 March 2010


The Captain Britain cover was drawn over a year ago and the 2000AD cover re-creation was finished just this week.


Wiggz said...

Those are so cool.
The 2000AD one is exceptional.I'm just biased though. =)

lovely work and a pleasure to see as always Cliff.
thankyou for showing.



jon haward said...

wonderful work Cliff you sure raise the bar in the art dept

Andrew Glazebrook said...

FaBuLoUs !!!

John M. Gilheany said...

It's great to see such genuine effort in a page of artwork, as well as obvious talent.

Few artists seem to provide comic fans with much reason to linger over their work a lot of the time.

Muig said...

Great 2000ad cover Cliff - it reveals that you draw a damn fine droid! Makes me want to see your take on The ABC Warriors...

Unlike some artists who fizzle out, you've obviously maintained your enthusiasm and your work has gone from strength to strength over the years. Thanks for sharing your stuff!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

StIlL FaBuLoUs !!!